Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Therapy

This training provides a step by step implantation of ICD devices under the advice and supervision of the responsible expert. It gives a deep insight into implantation techniques and skills. Bersides the technical functionality, the participant will also exercise programming and follow-up with patients.

Training Topics (to be adjusted to individual needs)

  • Indication, patient case review and preparation
  • Explanation of device(s) and lead(s) choices
  • Explanation of the anatomical and technical procedures
  • Surgical techniques (pocket preparation, puncturing, cut-down)
  • Lead positioning and replacement
  • Intraoperative measurements
  • Tips and Tricks of successful implantations
  • Typical complications and recommendations to avoid interactions
  • Trouble shooting of several ICD problems
  • Optimization and individual programming
  • Patient follow-up
  • Hands-on training according to requirements and availability

Preceptorship Centers

Clinical training centers offering “Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Therapy”